One Young Dragon
Broken wings sweeping earth
Unused fangs ground to dirt
A sobering fall with no end
Lofty beginnings ending in sin
With so much to gain so much is lost
So much acquired what was the cost
Whose hands can weigh this lost time?
Whose tongue can stoke this heart of mine?
Conquering land with sword and flame
Forsaking the path of toil and pain
Before this life finds its end
Against what pains must I fend
What love what trust will I discover
Whose lies whose betrayal will I uncover
As one young dragon awaits the tide
One young dragon may finally fly
Tides of Right
Death the end of pain and, opportunity
Left with nothing to mourn nothing to miss
Bring me your danger I’ll go with glee
Sing me your sorrow I want this
Silence to reign in all sorrow
A dark flower that blossoms in solitude
Violence so quiet, my mind’s to borrow
A stark lone call against which I stood
So flames of guilt to quench desire
Razed all help with hope thrown asunder
So only waves of love can quit this fire
Grazed so, by life, lets start this blunder
So whose will and what forces are these? They come together to form one mans constitution life and passion. The will and the power, two vast conquering armies, or two mangy lost dogs in lifes sprawling streets. How much of a mans will is innate how much of his power is natural, or are these things learned and stumbled upon throughout lifes journeys? I only ask for the sake of my shrunken cold heart for it lacks something in will and more in power. The will-power to turn desire into action is lost almost. I can even see its decline, but I fear not I am not so dead. What is that shrill cry I hear so late in the day? Might it be the death cry of a life spent languishing in the pain of mediocrity? What is that? And what should I fear, save God. Is it that which impedes conquest, that missing part that gives legs to desire strength to the will and power to the forces of man. Not withstanding, I am ever content or should I be content to wallow in the shallow end of life. I hope for more. So what? So what if I can sense the future at every bend in the road? So what if I lack what is needed to put my hand to the wheel and turn? Turn from ignorance from poverty and into something more perhaps something better. So now if I desire all things all knowledge all wisdom if there is no place I would not go for want of experience, thirst and, curiosity if there is no person I would not know for the pleasure of diversity no pain I would flee from for want of passion, what have I to do but seek? Whose will and what force? So there is no pleasure to sate this darkened heart. P.S. Please dont read this.